#BESAG2024: Aquatic Ecology Group Annual Meeting 2024
Get together with the freshwater and marine research community to hear the latest research, share skills, and build your network!
**NEW** Abstract submission deadline : 3 September 2024
**NEW** Ticket registration deadline : 9 September 2024
We have a great line up of marine and freshwater speakers, a policy ECR workshop, and a chance to chat science with our speakers and fellow attendees. We will be online this year and will be holding networking sessions throughout the day.
Keynote talks
“Biodiversity trends and the role of multiple stressors”, Professor Ralf Schäfer, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
“Monitoring lake-fish communities with environmental DNA: from Windermere to 100 lakes”, Dr Lori Lawson Handley, University of Hull, UK
“Cryptic eco-evolutionary feedback in the city: urban evolution of prey dampens the effect of urban evolution of the predator”, Dr Kristien Brans, KU Leuven, The Netherlands
“Assessing the suitability and effectiveness of protected areas for shark conservation”, Dr David Curnick, Institute of Zoology (ZSL London), UK
“Greenland’s deep benthic habitats: from monitoring to protection”, Dr Chris Yesson, Institute of Zoology (ZSL London), UK
ECR workshop
Rebecca Walley (Policy Officer, BES)
Title: Policy for ecologists with the British Ecological Society (1 hour)
During this workshop, discover how you can plan your own research to maximise policy outputs and impact! An example will be presented on how ecological research has informed policy in the past for aquatic ecosystems, and participants will work in groups to explore the potential stakeholders, controversies, and impact of their own research.
Plus hear even more cutting-edge marine and freshwater science from 10 ECRs (lightning talks) and 3 other speakers (15-min talks).
You can apply to give an Early Career Researcher (ECR) Lightning Talk, to win our best talk prize, sponsored by Functional Ecology and Journal of Animal Ecology (award covers registration fees + £150)
You can also apply for our annual Early Career Researcher (ECR) prize, sponsored by Global Change Biology. The winner will give a talk at the conference (registration fees covered) and a chance to work with a Global Change Biology editor to publish a piece of your research. To apply, email us a 1-page summary CV and 1-page nomination. **NEW** Application deadline 3 September 2024.
For more information follow
@BES_AquaEco #BESAG2024 on X or join our mailing list.
Please send ECR lightning and 15-minute talk applications (in the form of a 150-word abstract), and ECR prize applications to aquatic@britishecologicalsociety.org
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