The significance of essential and non-essential trace elements in plants in relation to biogeochemical prospecting.

Published online
11 Nov 1970
Content type
Journal article
Journal title
Journal of Applied Ecology

Timperley, M. H. & Brooks, RR. & Peterson, P. J.

Publication language
New Zealand


Gives data on the accumulation of trace elements by the New Zealand woody species Beilschmiedia tawa, Nothofagus fusca, N. menziesii, Olearia rani, Quintinia acutifolia, Schefflera digitata and Weinmannia racemosa, with particular reference to the special characteristics of accumulation of Cu and Zn that make it difficult to find species suitable for use in biogeochemical prospecting for these metals in contrast to Pb, Ni, Mo and U. The results help to explain why trace elements essential to plants, e.g. Cu and Zn, are frequently not revealed by biogeochemical prospecting, although if a plant can be found with a very low requirement for the element concerned, and the element is present in significantly greater quantities in the soil, the method may give successful results. [Cf. F.A. 31 No. 109.KEYWORDS: Beilschmiedia tawa \ plant composition \ plant composition \ chemical composition \ general relation \ geochemical prospecting \ plant composition \ plant composition \ chemical composition \ general relation \ soil \ Nothofagus fusca \ Nothofagus menziesii \ Nutrients \ plant nutrition \ trace el

Key words