The ecology of Morecambe Bay. 5. The salt marshes of Morecambe Bay.

Published online
08 Jan 1972
Content type
Journal article
Journal title
Journal of Applied Ecology

Gray, A. J.

Publication language


These areas have a long history of grazing by sheep and are stocked at up to 6.45 sheep/ha, average 4.75/ha (counting 1 lamb as 0.5 ewe). Lambs, 1.25/ ewe, gained 18-27 kg/head between late Apr. and Aug.-Sept. The dominant grasses were Puccinellia maritima, Festuca rubra and Agrostis stolonifera, and broad-leaved salt-marsh species were largely confined to ungrazed areas. Sheep grazing and turf cutting for lawns were regarded as compatible activities.

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