A Lichen Survey of Pixton Park Surrounds, and the Attempted Transplantation of Fuscopannaria mediterranea 2018.
Mature and veteran trees in the surrounds of Pixton Park were surveyed for lichens in five areas. In total 105 species were recorded, the SOWI score was 15, there were 2 Near Threatened species, and 8 Notable species. A few species were additional to the list for Pixton Park, of which the only significant one was Chaenotheca stemonea (a SOWI species, and Notable). The following significant lichen assemblages were present: Base Rich Bark on Veteran Trees, mainly represented by Bacidia biatorina and a few others; Dry Bark and Lignum on Veteran Oaks and Lignum on Fallen and Standing Dead Oaks, represented mainly by Cresponea premnea; and Sheltered Twigs and Branches in More Open Areas, represented by Usnea articulata. Of the five areas surveyed, Area 1 has the most lichen interest, Area 2 had sparse interest, Area 3 scattered interest; Area 4 had only two significant trees, and is distant from the main area of the Park. Area 5 had only low interest. It is recommended that at least parts of Area 1 (adjacent to the northern edge of Pixton Park) be considered as part of a Pixton Park SSSI; the remainder of Area 1, and parts of Area 3, may warrant inclusion, and would increase the number of mature and veteran trees, a factor which is crucial to the long-term viability of the Pixton Park lichen assemblage. Area 4 is not viable on its own, and is too far from the main park. Area 5 has no special value. Management issues in the park surrounds include excessive growth of ivy and holly, and concentration of dung by feeding of stock near to trees. Transplantation of Fuscopannaria mediterranea from a dead oak to a nearby living oak in Pixton Park was attempted.