A historical investigation of Solent saltmarsh as key coastal nursery habitat areas.

Published online
17 Aug 2022
Published by
Natural England
Content type

Parry, D. & Hendy, R. I.

Publication language
England & UK


The aim of this report is to assess historical changes of Solent saltmarsh habitats in different areas covering the Hampshire coast, from Hurst Spit to Chichester Harbour, and the Isle of Wight. The overall objective of the project is to source high quality data of saltmarsh habitat to a suitable resolution, enabling an assessment of the condition of saltmarsh habitat. The presence of 3 key types of Annex 1 saltmarsh coastal nursery habitats from within the Solent will be investigated. These key habitats include: Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand; Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae); and Spartina swards (Spartinion maritimae). This will allow a better understanding of the presence of this feature and inform proactive management of an incredibly important resource.

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