Synthesis report on experiences with ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

Published online
25 Jan 2017
Content type

Lo, V.

Publication language


This report is a review and synthesis of global experiences on ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation (EbA) and to disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR). The report includes key findings from the CBD technical workshop on EbA and Eco-DRR, held in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa, from 28 September to 2 October 2016. The workshop was attended by experts and practitioners from a wide range of countries and organizations, who shared and discussed experiences on national and regional efforts to implement EbA and Eco-DRR measures. Key findings of the report and workshop are presented. Finally, the report established that climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction are interdisciplinary and intersectoral processes. To address this intersection of disciplines and sectors, numerous cross-cutting tools have been developed to facilitate the implementation of EbA and Eco-DRR.

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