Contribute to the work of the IPBES

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is currently advertising opportunities to inform the development of the initiative’s work. Ecologists can contribute to discussions on the priorities for IPBES and are also invited to put themselves forward to serve on the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (MEP).

Responding to requests from the interim IPBES Secretariat
The interim Secretariat (UNEP) has asked stakeholders to assist with the development of the initial work programme; submissions are to reach them by 16 August. Defra and JNCC are responding to these by organising two on-line consultations (closing date 8 August) and two small meetings (31 July and 2 August) to discuss determining a scoping process for assessments and prioritising requests from Governments; and capacity building needs and activities, respectively. Please visit the website for further details.

IPBES MEP UK nomination selection process
It was agreed at the Panama meeting in April that the Platform would be supported by a Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (MEP). The MEP will carry out the scientific and technical functions of the Platform. The UK Government is seeking expressions of interest from persons interested in being nominated by the UK to serve on the Platform’s interim MEP in an independent expert capacity. Nominations will be subject to negotiation and agreement within the UN region of Western Europe and Other Groups, and will be subject to agreement at the Platform’s first Plenary meeting.

Positions are not expected to be for more than a two-year period and will be subject to review. The closing date for applications is 27 July 2012. The post is being advertised on The Economist and New Scientist websites.