Other funders

Funding opportunities outside of the British Ecological Society

British Ecological Society image of a fox in the snow

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Each quarter, Antibodies.com offers a travel grant up to £500 to help cover the cost of attending a conference. These travel grants are open to PhD candidates, lab managers, and post-docs from academic research institutions in the US or Europe. The grant is intended to help cover the costs of registration, accommodation, and travel to a conference of choice.

The Big Lottery Fund
Has an ever changing group of funding programmes. Many of which have been aimed at local community projects and school grounds improvement.

Botanical Society of the Britain and Ireland
Runs a number of grant schemes ranging from £250-£2000, including small research grants, conference bursaries, and publication grants.

The Daphne Jackson Trust
Is an independent charity dedicated to returning talented scientists, engineers and technologists to careers after a break of two years or more.

Earthwatch Institute (US)
Earthwatch Institute (US) is an international nonprofit organization that connects people with scientists worldwide to conduct environmental research and empower them with the knowledge they need to conserve the planet.

Ecological Continuity Trust
Grants of up to £3000 to support research or outreach in existing LTE areas in the UK

European Research Council
Aims to support single research leaders (‘Principal Investigators’) heading a research team to conduct a frontier research project on the condition that he/she is engaged by a legally established host organisation.

European Molecular Biology Organisation
The EMBO offers a variety of funding opportunities for applicants in Europe and beyond. Funding available for researchers, training, conferences and networking, including childcare grants.

European Science Foundation – Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (LESC)
Aims to better understand biological, environmental and Earth systems across time and space; it facilitates new activities in interdisciplinary areas by initiating and funding networks and projects. Many LESC projects have involved policy makers and industry.

Insect Welfare Research Society 
The Insect Welfare Research Society aims to encourage graduate student scholars engaging in evidence-based, theoretically-grounded research on any aspect of insect or understudied invertebrate sentience or welfare. There are two awards (one for Sentience and one for Welfare) of $2,000 awarded annually in the Autumn to a graduate student.

International Foundation for Science
Is open for project proposals from developing country scientists who meet the eligibility criteria and conduct research. Individual early career researchers in both the natural and social sciences may apply for a Basic Grant to undertake research that is innovative and/or relevant to local or national development needs and problems, and that aims to generate fundamental and/or applicable scientific knowledge.

The Leverhulme Trust
Offers grants and fellowships in support of academic research. Early Career Fellowships provide career development opportunities for those with a proven record of research who do not hold, or have not held a full-time established academic post in a UK university or comparable institution. Research Fellowships support experienced researchers in any discipline, to complete a piece of research. Research Project Grants support researchers based at universities, institutions of higher education or registered charities with university-equivalent research capacity, to undertake an innovative and original research project.

L’Oreal – UNESCO for Women in Science Programme
UK, Ireland and International Fellowships aimed at promoting women in scientific research.

Linnean Society
Disburses a limited number of small grants to a total of approximately £30,000 in any one year, as well as awards of medals and prizes for outstanding work in the biological sciences.

The Mount Everest Foundation provide funding to mountaineering and scientific expeditions whose primary aim is to reach unclimbed peaks, document unexplored regions or to gather new knowledge. Their funding focuses on expeditions involving Post-Graduate and Early Career Researchers but established researchers wishing to pilot larger field research programmes will also be considered.

Nuffield Foundation
The Strategic Fund is a rare opportunity for researchers to develop original and challenging ideas, to work collaboratively across disciplines, and to influence social policy in a period of rapid change and uncertainty for our society.

Rothamsted International
The Fellowship scheme is managed by Rothamsted International and enables scientists from developing and emerging countries to carry out research projects for 6 to 12 months in collaboration with partner scientists at Rothamsted Research, to promote the exchange of vital scientific research skills to help agricultural and environmental needs in developing and emerging countries.

The Royal Geographical Society
Awards over 70 grants in excess of £180,000 annually to experienced researchers working on cutting-edge projects and to teams of young geographers who are looking to get out into the field for the first time. This includes Student Grants, Research Grants and Teaching Grants.

Royal Society
Supports mainly UK scientists from postdoctoral level to senior professorships and also offer grants for a variety of purposes ranging from conference travel to the modernisation of laboratories.

Royal Society of Biology
Offers Undergraduate studentships and travel grants, as well as funding available for public outreach and engagement initiatives.

Rufford Small Grants Foundation
Aimed at small conservation programmes and pilot projects across the developing world.

Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP)
The world’s biggest conservation and sustainable development challenges demand innovative solutions. The Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) believes successful solutions require more than a single organization or sector acting alone. SNAPP’s request for proposals aims to find new cross-sector and interdisciplinary teams willing to do science differently for lasting impact.

Tropical Biology Association (TBA)
The TBA gives scientists the skills, support and confidence to manage natural resources in tropical regions effectively and sustainably, through tailor-made courses coupled with long-term support.

UKRI Funding Finder
UK Research and Innovation site has a ‘Funding Finder’ to help you navigate a variety of funding opportunities. Used by funders such as Research England, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and the Natural Environment Research Council.

Wellcome provides a varied grant programme for the life sciences, focused on human life and wellbeing there are opportunities for interdisciplinary research and ecological research that promotes human welfare. Wellcome offers large awards for early career researchers and studentships.

Wild Animal Initiative
Grants that empower wild animal welfare researchers to explore topics neglected by other funders. Funding available for proposals, fellowships and research projects mission-oriented towards wild animal welfare.

Wildlife Acoustics
To support the advancement of animal biology research, habitat monitoring and environmental conservation, Wildlife Acoustics is proud to offer a grant program that provides scientists with resources to help further their research into the study of bats, birds, frogs and other vocal wildlife. Every quarter, Wildlife Acoustics will give away up to $12,000 worth of products to grant recipients worldwide, applicants can apply for up to $4,000 worth each. Recipients also have the opportunity to have their work featured on our website and social media channels.

The Woodland Trust
The Woodland Trust offers Small Research Grants (£5,000 – £20,000), awarded to novel applied research projects that aim to address issues facing the conservation of the UK’s native woods and trees, within two years.
Applications are particularly encouraged from minority groups and early career researchers.