Policy briefs
Bringing together the ecological evidence on key policy topics in a clear, digestible form.
BES_Delivering biodiversity_priority actions for fresh water
(2 MB pdf)
In November 2023 the BES convened a workshop of almost 40 experts and policymakers to explore actions for monitoring and improving both fresh water quality and biodiversity. The report identifies priority actions for restoring freshwater biodiversity which include reducing pollution from agriculture, wastewater, and other sources; enhancing freshwater habitat connectivity; a more comprehensive approach monitoring; and an update to aquatic biodiversity indicators.
BES-SPG Pie and a Pint: Prioritising the Scale of Conservation Approaches in Scotland 2023
(154 KB pdf)
The British Ecological Society – Scottish Policy Group (BES-SPG) organised an in person Pie and a Pint policy roundtable on October 6th 2023 to discuss how to prioritise the scale of conservation approaches required to tackle direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss.
BES-SPG Expert Workshop: Riparian Woodlands 2023
(132 KB pdf)
The Scottish Policy Group’s expert workshop on riparian woodlands brought together 25 ecologists, practitioners and policy makers to consider some key questions around riparian woodlands. Download the report for more information.
BES-WPG Policy Training: Conservation Translocations in mid-Wales 2023
(516 KB pdf)
The Welsh Policy Group (WPG) and Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) hosted a joint in-person policy training on 26 April in Devil’s Bridge. In the morning we covered the basics of Welsh environmental policy, followed by the policies that cover species conservation and translocations, and the importance of stakeholder engagement. In the afternoon, experts from the VWT led an outdoor pine marten tracking and spoor identification exercise.
This report summarises the day’s discussion and activities.
BES-EPG People, Policy & Nature: Public Access to Nature 2023
(574 KB pdf)
The English Policy Group’s inaugural People, Policy & Planet event in London brought together 45 ecologists, practitioners and policy makers to debate how we can balance wildlife conservation with public access to nature. Read the event blog here or download the report for more information.
BES-WPG Caffi Ecology: Net Benefit for Biodiversity 2023
(190 KB pdf)
The inaugural Caffi Ecology event was hosted by the Welsh Policy Group in March 2023 and brought experts from across the research, consultancy, policy and practitioner communities together to discuss Net Benefits for Biodiversity.
This report summarises the talks and discussion at the event.
BES-SPG Pie and a Pint: National Parks 2022
(144 KB pdf)
This ‘Pie and a Pint‘ (PAAP) was hosted by the BES-SPG and CIEEM explored some key questions on National Parks in Scotland.
This discussion summary is from the event held in October 2022.
BES- SPG and CIEEM: A Super Year for Nature 2021
(473 KB pdf)
2021 has been dubbed the ‘super’ year for nature, but what does this mean for science policy in Scotland?
This virtual two-part ‘Pie and a Pint‘ (PAAP) series hosted by the BES-SPG and CIEEM will aims to explore what ‘COP’ is, the effect it has on the science policy interface in Scotland and how it will be implemented in practice.
This event report is for part one which as held in September 2021.
BES-SPG and SPRE Demystifying Policy 2021
(498 KB pdf)
The Scottish Policy Group (SPG) and the Scottish Research and Policy Exchange (SPRE) held an online policy training event on the 22nd of September with the aim of Demystifying Policy and this is a summary of the event. Find out more in the event report.
BES-SPG and ECoS Pie and a Pint: Protected Areas 2021
(513 KB pdf)
In September 2020, Boris Johnson announced a commitment to protect 30% of land in the UK by 2030. After the success of our last online PAAP, this online event will focused on the challenges and opportunities associated with this policy in Scotland. The main question we want to debate is: What would successful protection of 30% look like for conservation?
The Scottish Policy Group (SPG) and Edinburgh Conservation Science (ECoS) held a joint Pie and a Pint (PAAP) event on Meeting the Challenge of 30% of Scotland as Protected Areas.
The event was be held on Zoom on the 21st of April.