Member Resources
On this page we will be adding helpful resources for our members in public engagement, guides to good science and much more.
Public Engagement
Top Tips for engaging with young children and families
(187 KB pdf)
Our Top Tips for engaging with young children and family audiences at public events. A useful resource for ecologists interested in public engagement and science communication. Produced by the BES in association with Eureka! The National Children’s Musuem.
Guides to Better Science
BES Guide - Peer Review
(4 MB pdf)
Reviewing for scientific journals is a skill, one that is learned through practice and experience. This guide for early career researchers provides a succinct overview of the many aspects of peer review, from hands-on practical advice about the actual process to explaining the less tangible aspect, such as reviewer ethics.
BES Guide - Getting Published
(4 MB pdf)
Publishing research results is a necessary part of the scientific process and is crucial for an academic career. This guide for early career researchers explains how to get published, with advice on selecting the right journal, writing effectively and dealing with decision letters. Editors from across the BES journals provide their own tips and lessons-learned from publishing in ecology and evolution.
BES Guide - Data Management
(4 MB pdf)
Good data management is fundamental to research excellence. It produces high-quality research data that are accessible to others and usable in the future. This guide for early career researchers explains what data and data management are, and provides advice and examples of best practices in data management, including case studies from researchers currently working in ecology and evolution. This edition (2018) was updated in collaboration with GBIF and includes sections on international biodiversity data standards and data citation.
BES Guide - Reproducible Code
(3 MB pdf)
The way we do science is changing – data are getting bigger, analyses more complex, and governments, funders and the scientific method itself demand transparency and accountability in research. One way to deal with these changes is to make our research is reproducible, especially our code. This guide covers all the basic tools and information you need to start making your code more reproducible.
BES Guide - Promoting Research
(4 MB pdf)
For everyone working in science, promoting your research, and yourself as a researcher, is increasingly important. With advice on working with press offices, journalists, social media, digital media and more, this guide is designed to help people at all career stages find the best way to promote their research.