About the project

On 23 March, the British Ecological Society launched The Future of Ecological Research in the UK – a landmark report setting the research agenda for the next 25 years.

Ecology is a science that matters

Ecology has never been more vital. Our science can provide the evidence we need to:

  • Halt losses in nature and its biodiversity
  • Help mitigate the effects of climate change
  • Provide numerous benefits to our world, our well-being, and prosperity

Yadvinder Malhi, President of the British Ecological Society, who lead the project said:

“The next few years have the potential to be transformative. There is broad awareness of the urgent need to halt the decline in biodiversity. And there is a window of opportunity to make ambitious plans to protect and restore nature. These plans must be ecology-informed and evidence-based.”

Grand challenges

Through this project the British Ecological Society has examined what is needed to take our science forward in the UK. 

Our report sets out a unified community vision of the grand challenges for ecology and how they can best be met. With funding for ecological rapidly falling behind other sciences, the report also provides funders with a clear understanding of future research needs.

Read the reports

Expert panel

A panel of outstanding experts guided the project, overseeing consultation with the community to create the final report.

Photos of the expert panel

Read more about their backgrounds and expertise.

The international perspective

To retain a sharp focus this project is targeted at the environmental context of the UK.

We recognise that there is much to offer on international and global ecological priorities too. In the near future we plan to carry out a similar exercise examining international priorities.