Learn more about the organisations joining us as exhibitors at BES2023.
Sponsors & Feature Stands
Wiley is a global leader in research and education, unlocking human potential by enabling discovery, powering education, and shaping workforces. For over 200 years, Wiley has fuelled the world’s knowledge ecosystem. Today, our high-impact content, platforms, and services help researchers, learners, institutions, and corporations achieve their goals in an ever-changing world. We are the leading Ecology and Evolution publisher, with a wide range of world-class journals. To find out more about our portfolio of journals, visit our Ecology Journal Finder. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Website: https://www.wiley.com/
We’d like to thank Wiley for sponsoring our plenary speaker sessions at the BES Annual Meeting 2023.
LifeWatch ERIC
LifeWatch ERIC, established in 2017, aims to accelerate the research efforts of the scientific community by delivering a European state-of-the-art e-Science Research Infrastructure on biodiversity and ecosystem research: a Digital Twin which (a) provides access to, and support for, key scientific services by applying cutting-edge ICT technology, (b) enables reproducible analytics, (c) is co-designed and co-created with the user communities and (d) is tuned with the needs for research that provides key insights for society, in particular science-based policy. We invite ecologists at the BES Annual Meeting to attend our many presentations and visit our stand to find out more about how, regardless of where you live and work, you can access the LifeWatch e-services for free.
Website: https://www.lifewatch.eu/
We’d like to thank LifeWatch ERIC for sponsoring our poster sessions at the BES Annual Meeting 2023.
Dryad is an open data publishing platform and a community committed to the open availability and routine re-use of all research data. We provide reliable, affordable, quality-controlled data publishing services for researchers in all disciplines.
Website: https://datadryad.org/
National Trust
The National Trust cares for 250,000ha of land in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and has almost 6 million members. Our strategy is focused on the interlinked challenges of biodiversity decline, climate change and people’s increasing disconnection from the natural world. We have ambitious targets to renew biodiversity across our land and increase the capacity of our land to deliver a range of ecosystem benefits, including carbon sequestration. We’ll be showcasing a range of examples of this work, from innovative catchment restoration and peatland restoration to establishing new trees and woods. Delegates can also find out more about our Independent Research Organisation status, our Strategic Framework for Research, national and regional research partnerships, monitoring and evaluation approaches and a range of our large, grant-funded collaborative research projects. We’re interested in discussing collaborative opportunities.
Website: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/
Field Studies Council
Field Studies Council is an environmental education charity providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to discover, explore and understand the natural world. With a proud 80-year history, the charity has a network of UK residential and day centres, in some extraordinary landscapes. We are the leading provider of fieldwork, specialist outdoor learning and related publications, supporting over 120,000 learners each year. We look forward to meeting you at the BES Annual Meeting 2023.
Website: https://www.field-studies-council.org/
We’d like to thank Field Studies Council for sponsoring our welcome mixer at the BES Annual Meeting 2023.
Bio Molecular Systems
Bio Molecular Systems (BMS) are a leading manufacturer of laboratory instrumentation. Famous for high quality and ease of use, recognisable red paint and compact design.
Mic: compact, portable and maintenance-free qPCR. It boasts ultra-fast, highly accurate and sensitive qPCR on up to 4 channels for a wide range of applications.
Myra: flexible, modular liquid handling with camera-assisted calibration, and UV decontamination. Use the built-in modes with a few simple clicks or control every parameter with Python-based scripting, the choice is yours. Applicable to any small-volume pipetting from serial dilutions to NGS library prep.
Visit us for a live demo!
Website: https://biomolecularsystems.com/
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press is a not-for-profit publisher, dating from 1534. Our mission is to unlock people’s potential with the best learning and research solutions. Please visit Catherine Hill and Megan Keirnan at the CUP stand to discuss publishing with us, browse our latest publications, and access a collection of free chapters and journal articles. We will also be offering a 60% discount on all our display copies or 30% off and free shipping on all other purchases made in person or online for 30 days from the conference start date. Visit this page to find out more.
Website: https://www.cambridge.org/
The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) is the leading professional membership body representing and supporting ecologists and environmental managers in the UK, Ireland and abroad. Our vision is of a healthy natural environment for the benefit of current and future generations. Our mission is to raise the standards and profile of professional ecological and environmental management for the benefit of nature and society. With a growing membership and an increasingly influential voice we are transforming the professionalism of the sector, just as our members are transforming understanding of, and attitudes towards, protecting and enhancing our natural environment. By working together, we believe we can make a difference, leading to a world rich in biodiversity for the benefit of us all, now and in the future.
Whether you’re a fresh-faced student, a seasoned professional or anywhere in between, come and talk to us about how we can work together and help each other – for the benefit of people and planet. Find out more at our website and www.GreenJobsForNature.org.
Website: https://cieem.net/
Copernicus Technologies
Copernicus Technologies provides researchers and industrial partners with solutions for challenging remote monitoring and tracking applications. Our focus is wildlife preservation, hazard prevention and tracking applications. Our solutions cover the full verticals from network infrastructure, sensor development, deployment and data collection including data analytics and visualisation.
Website: https://www.copernitech.com/
Ecological Continuity Trust (ECT)
The ECT is a unique small charity and company dedicated to supporting, maintaining and ‘championing’ long-term ecological field experiments (LTEs) across the UK. We also help to ensure that experimental ecology and its outputs are at the heart of evidence-based policymaking and sustainable land use. Visit our stand to ‘experience’ LTEs in virtual reality using our Oculus Quest headsets, including a not-to-be missed virtual hot air balloon flight over one of our landscape experiments in mid-Wales. One of our trustees is also ‘giving away’ some of their ecology books from our stand, in return for a small donation to ECT.
Website: https://www.ecologicalcontinuitytrust.org/
Ecological Society of America
The Ecological Society of America is the world’s largest community of ecologists. Our members are researchers, educators, practitioners, decisionmakers, students and leaders who are committed to a future where people embrace science to understand and foster a thriving planet. We publish cutting-edge science in our journals, host several conferences that convene ecological stakeholders, and provide professional development for our members.
Website: https://www.esa.org/
Ecological Society of Japan
Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ) was founded in 1953 to promote research in ecology and related areas, with ca. 3900 current members consist of researchers, business people and students who are associated with ecology. You will get information about the three unique international journals of ESJ, Ecological Research, Population Ecology, and Plant Species Biology, published by Wiley, and ecological research and researchers in Japan at our stand. We look forward to welcoming all those interested in ecological research in Japan and East Asia.
Website: https://www.esj.ne.jp/esj/e_index.html
MDPI – Academic Open Access Publishing since 1996
A pioneer in scholarly, open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Based in Basel, Switzerland, MDPI has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines.
Our 430 diverse and open access journals, including 421 peer-reviewed journals and 9 conference journals, are supported by more than 115,000 academic experts who share our mission, values, and commitment to providing high-quality service for our authors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is freely available and all content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
Website: https://www.mdpi.com/
NERC Field Spectroscopy Facility
The Natural Environment Research Council Field Spectroscopy Facility (NERC FSF) is a “lending library” of high-quality, field deployable spectroscopic instrumentation, calibrated and maintained at our world class optical laboratory. Access to our instrumentation and services is available free of charge to UK researchers for both national and international deployment, subject to review by our expert panel. Ground based, underwater, and UAV mounted instruments are available, and since 1994, we have supported over 400 scientific publications, with a strong focus on ecology and environmental science. Head over to our stand to discuss how we can empower your research using field spectroscopy.
Website: https://fsf.nerc.ac.uk/
NHBS’s core purpose is to support those who work to understand, protect, and conserve the natural environment. We do this by offering the largest range of wildlife, ecology and conservation books and equipment in the world and provide expert advice and support to ensure that you are confident in using the books and equipment purchased. NHBS provide the continuity in products and services that is essential for longer term research projects.
Website: https://www.nhbs.com/
Nordic Society Oikos
The Nordic Society Oikos is a home for ecology in the Nordic region. NSO supports the national ecological societies of the five Nordic countries and engages the global scientific community through its international journals. Visit our booth and discuss publication with us and get to know more about our upcoming conference in Lund in March 2024!
Website: https://nordicsocietyoikos.org/
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
The Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) is responsible for protecting and enhancing Northern Ireland’s natural environment, including its important biodiversity and geodiversity, through a variety of statutory and non-statutory means. These include the protection and management of designated sites and areas, promoting biodiversity conservation and public access in the wider countryside and gathering evidence on the status of our habitats, species and ecosystems for protection, conservation and reporting purposes and to inform nature-friendly policy.
Come and hear from NIEA staff about our work to protect and restore Northern Ireland’s nature.
Website: https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/
Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford and we are the world’s largest university press, and shares the mission to further excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. The goal is impact. Together with our academic communities, we curate and seamlessly connect together the ideas that push their fields forward, so they can learn from them, add to them, and continue a virtuous cycle of scholarship.
Website: https://corp.oup.com/
Royal Entomological Society
The Royal Entomological Society is a global charity with a vision to enrich the world with insect science.
We act as a knowledge hub for insect research, engage diverse audiences and invest in cutting edge science that benefits both people and nature.
We publish seven high-profile international peer reviewed journals, and a book series on insect identification. Our grant programmes and events inspire and empower seasoned professionals and young enthusiasts alike to discover the many mysteries of the insect world.
Website: https://www.royensoc.co.uk/
The Royal Society
The Royal Society publishes high quality, peer-reviewed journals covering all areas of biology and ecology. This is part of our mission to support the dissemination, discovery and preservation of scientific findings and ideas. We offer authors a range of services including rigorous peer review, rapid publication, international recognition and the option of open access publication. All our journals are compliant with funder mandates such as Plan S and OSTP. We welcome submissions of high-quality science from anywhere in the world. Whichever journal you choose we aim to make it as rewarding and as easy as possible for you. If you want to learn more about publishing with us, come find our stand and have a 1-1 meeting with our staff members.
Website: https://royalsociety.org/
The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology is an independent, not-for-profit research institute carrying out excellent environmental science with impact. Our 500 scientists work to understand the environment, how it sustains life, and the human impact on it. We provide the data and insights that researchers, governments and researchers need to create a productive, resilient and healthy environment. Explore our freely available datasets for biodiversity, water quality, land cover, soil moisture and more.
Website: https://www.ceh.ac.uk/
Visit Belfast
Stop by our table to find out all about Belfast. You’ll find endless things to do in Belfast, from world-class attractions, historic landmarks, museums, shopping and entertainment venues, to walking, coach, taxi and bike sightseeing tours.
And as the gateway to Northern Ireland, Belfast is perfectly positioned for sightseeing tours to Giant’s Causeway, Game of Thrones filming locations and road trips beyond Belfast.
Website: https://visitbelfast.com/
Wildlife Acoustics
Wildlife Acoustics specializes in wildlife audio recorders and software, specifically designed to capture vocalizations of birds, bats, frogs and other wildlife. Wildlife Acoustics has sold over 100,000 recorders in over 100 countries — helping researchers, universities and government agencies conduct species inventory, presence/absence surveys and habitat health monitoring. The soundscapes you hear at the BES Annual Meeting were made using Wildlife Acoustics recorders. Visit our stand to learn how these soundscapes were made, and how sound can help you survey species, monitor behaviour and even monitor long-term environmental change.
Website: https://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/
Woodland Trust
The Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest charity dedicated to the conservation of woodland in the UK. Our vision is to see a UK rich in native woods and trees for the benefits of wildlife and people. We own over 1,000 sites across the UK (covering around 28,000 hectares), which are available for landscape-scale research or fieldwork on request.
The Woodland Trust’s conservation research programme delivers applied and policy driven research that addresses issues facing the conservation of the UK’s native woods and trees. We fund and collaborate on research into practical conservation tools, policy effectiveness and the exploration of economic and social values in relation to the conservation of trees and woods. Come chat to our conservation evidence team on our stand or contact us: research@woodlandtrust.org.uk.
Website: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/
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