Music Festivals

We have taken the excitement of ecology to thousands at headline music festivals!


In 2017 our members engaged with the environmentally savvy crowds at Glastonbury within the ‘Sex Bugs & Rock ‘n Roll’ tent! Researchers from Lancaster University, the James Hutton Institute and Oxford University developed a range of fun activities to communicate the value of ecology.

With Emma Sayer leading the team, a lot of hard work went into developing fantastic activities including a ‘test your strength’ high striker demonstrating soil compaction, and a ‘pick-a-pollinator’ game of hook-a-duck demonstrating pollinator diversity. There was certainly something to capture the imagination of every festival-goer.

Visitors also had the chance to glimpse life below-ground thanks to a worm peep show, making use of blackout curtains and layers of glow-in-the-dark sand! You can find out more about the @BESRoadies #FestivalBug activities on their Twitter and blog here.


The BES also went to Wychwood music festival in 2017, fantastic, family friendly event, perfect for inducting new members to public engagement.

Having completed training in developing new busks and games, our members, led by experienced Roadie Nicholas Loughlin, took ecology to Wychwood in style. Highlights included ‘Pollinator Top Trumps’ and a sexual selection themed game of snakes and ladders called ‘The Power of Love’.

The main stage at Wychwood at night

Team work and co-operation were key to the event being a success, as was relaxing at the end of the day listening to live music or watching Bill Bailey.