Willams Oliveira

I want to be a supporter of a new generation of underrepresented scientists

Image of Willams Oliveira
Agriculture, Anthropogenic Disturbances, Climate Change, Plant Functional Ecology, Tropical Ecology

PhD student in Plant Biology at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil

I am a member of the Floral and Reproductive Biology Lab and I also integrate, as a student, research projects in the Caatinga dry forest.

My research is generally focused on understanding the impacts of anthropogenic disturbances and climate change on plant-pollinator interactions, reproductive functional diversity, and agricultural production of pollinator-dependent crops.

As a Brazilian student, I want to be a supporter of a new generation of underrepresented scientists from Brazil and also across the globe. I joined the REED Ecological Network as I am very enthusiastic about changing the scientific paradigm by increasing the representation of minority groups in academic spaces.

Twitter: @oleawillams

CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5393262341917597