Uplands for Carbon Capture Meeting at Aberystwyth University

To be held on 25th May 2012

UK uplands store 5.1 billion tonnes of carbon in their soils. Can we use management to support the ecosystem services of uplands and their existing carbon stocks – to benefit for our long-term national climate change strategy?

This meeting is a unique opportunity to engage with a range of key stakeholders, which will allow cooperative communication to direct future work in upland conservation and aid policy development.

The aims of the meeting are as follows:

1. To engage with a range of stakeholders with a collective interest in upland conservation
2. Discuss opportunities that exist for carbon storage in suitable upland habitats and the implications of a future elevated CO2 climate
3. Demonstrate the added value that management for soil carbon sequestration can offer in several types of upland habitats
4. Provide a forum to discuss future strategies and directions that will optimise management of upland areas to benefit their ecosystem services, including below-ground carbon storage and carbon capture potential

For further information and to register attendance, contact Dr Alan Jones.