Aquatic Ecology Research in a Pandemic
Join the Aquatic SIG for R workshops, updates on the community’s research on coronavirus, and some amazing keynote speakers
Join us for this year’s Aquatic SIG Annual Meeting, going virtual for the first time!
The coronavirus pandemic is among the most severe global issues that humanity has faced and innovative solutions for tracking, tracing, and controlling the speed of the virus are urgently required. Furthermore, the impact of worldwide lockdown measures and associated reductions in anthropogenic activity on biodiversity and the environment is unknown.
At this event, we will hear from aquatic ecology researchers that are utilising ground-breaking techniques to address these research gaps. Our keynote speakers have expertise across and beyond aquatic realms. These world-leading aquatic ecologists will discuss their recent findings and priorities for future research which will, as always, spark interesting discussions. Students and ECRs will have the opportunity to present their research through Twitter, join practical or Q&A sessions on R, and network with their peers. All workshops, talks, and discussion are spread over 3 days with plenty of breaks.
Wednesday 9 Sept ,13:00 – 16:00 BST
- Aquatic ecology research on coronavirus
- Keynote talks – Guy Woodward & Kate Heppell
- Panel discussion
Thursday 10 Sept, 10:00 – 18:30 BST
- Getting started with R Markdown and the tidyverse, R workshop with Andrew Beckerman
- ECR Tweet Seminar
- Keynote talks – Luc de Meester & Chris Clements
Friday 11 Sept, 10:00 – 16:30 BST
- Q&A: Spatial autocorrelation, R workshop with Chris Hassall
- ECR Tweet Seminar
- Keynote talks – Judy England & Melody Clark
Early Career Researchers are invited to submit an abstract (max. 200 words) on their research to present via Twitter. You can submit your abstract be email here. The abstract deadline is 20 July 2020.
About the Aquatic SIG
The BES Aquatic Ecology Group are a community of ecologists interested in marine, freshwater, and wetland ecology. We run an annual meeting every September, and often have other workshops and seminars throughout the year. You can find out more about us here, and to get involved join our mailing list and follow us on Twitter.
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