People and Nature Associate Editor details form

Welcome to the People and Nature Editorial Board. In order for us to keep our records up to date and ensure you receive appropriate manuscript assignments, please complete the form below.


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People and Nature Associate Editor form

For new Editors joining the board to complete
  • It is important to update us if this or your email address change.
  • This will be displayed on the journal's Editorial Board page (
  • For inclusion on the Editorial Board page
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • Please select all topics/keywords you would be willing to look at in submissions. Please note that you are not required to be a leading expert in these topics, but proficient enough to be able to identify suitable reviewers and make recommendations on the manuscript. Please separate keywords with a semicolon.
  • Additional information

    If you would like to provide any additional information relevant to your Editor role, for example, if you are involved in any other British Ecological Society initiatives, please include this here. Please also use this section to note any specifics about your topic selections above.

Please update this form should the information you submitted change. Your data will be kept for the duration of your time on the People and Nature Editorial Board. Further details around data privacy within the BES are available here.