Kat Mullin

Image of Kat Mullin
PhD studentAmphibians; Molecular Ecology; Welsh Environmental Governance; Evidence Synthesis

I am currently a 4th year PhD researcher at Cardiff University, in partnership with the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, where my research focuses on amphibian conservation in Madagascar. My work uses molecular ecology techniques to understand the impact of habitat fragmentation on endemic species, which includes DNA barcoding, conservation genetics and eDNA.

Prior to my PhD, after my MSc in Conservation Biology, I worked as an ecological consultant which introduced me to the development challenges we have in Wales and the wider UK. In 2021 I worked with and supported the Welsh Government Biodiversity and Environmental Governance team, which facilitated my growing interest into policy development. I am a member of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence CEEDER Review College, supporting evidence synthesis for environmental policy and practice.