Katie Powell

Image of Katie Powell
PhD Researcher at UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (Wallingford)Entomology, insect ecology, spatial ecology, landscapes, long-term insect declines, functional traits

I joined the English Policy Group committee in 2021 after developing interests in the communication of ecological knowledge to policy makers, and in science policy matters in general. 

I am a PhD researcher at UK Centre for Ecological and Hydrology (UKCEH) in Wallingford, Oxfordshire, as well as the University of Reading. My current research is aimed at trying to understand the wider impacts of long-term insect declines and biodiversity change on ecosystem functioning. My work involves applying novel trait-based approaches to long-term citizen science datasets for terrestrial and freshwater insect species to identify trends, and exploring the roles of phenomena such as population asynchronies and species dominance in maintaining resilient communities.  

I am very interested in the wider picture when it comes to ecology and policy however, having worked on other areas such as the evidence surrounding Local Nature Recovery Strategies in England. I am also very passionate about equity, diversity and inclusivity in both ecology and policy-making, being a strong believer that we need all of these things to bring benefits to all people and nature with the work that we do. I am excited for our group to make a difference to the science-policy landscape in England!